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Free games from Codemasters - What a pile of turd!

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Press release

It’s time to cut the crap and see what life is like beyond the toilet bowl as Codemasters announces the signing of the cult character brand The Turds for its casual gaming portfolio.

In an exclusive deal with Pacemaker UK, the characters’ creators, The Turds will star in a series of free-to-play web games developed by Pilot Interactive. The games will feature on a dedicated Turds gaming site, accessible via Funsta.com, Codemasters’ international casual gaming online portal, and a network of partner gaming sites.

The first, Donkey Pong And The Adventures Of Rimdiana Jones, is now live at www.funsta.com/turds. The Turds are a collection of roguish comedic characters born from the best of toilet humour. The Turds satirise known characters from film, entertainment and sport, such as The Bogfather, Freddy Pooger, The Turdinator, Wayne Pooney, and characters from history, including Shat the Ripper, Brave Fart, and, of course, Adolf Sh*tler . Pacemaker UK’s range of The Turds figurines, posters, and soft toys has fast established a multi-million business with a loyal fan base that has been extended internationally.

Says Nick Pili, Codemasters’ Director of Causal Gaming: “We were looking for the next big thing to come along for the web gaming initiative and, after a good sit down, eventually The Turds just came out. The Turds is an ever-growing phenomenon that has a massive cult status and we’re thrilled to be able to take them online with the web games.”

You can play with your very own Turds right now online at www.funsta.com/turds in the first web game: Donkey Pong And The Adventures Of Rimdiana Jones.

Donkey Pong And The Adventures Of Rimdiana Jones sees plopular action hero, Rimdiana Jones, and agent Marilyn Muckroe, on a search for the legendary fartifact, the Lost Arse. However, disaster strikes: Marilyn is captured by giant ape-sh*t, Donkey Pong, and is to be sacrificed to a mysterious giant turd, worshipped by the lost Pongo Tribe.

Can Rimdy get his gal back and find his Lost Arse? To rescue Marilyn Muckroe, help Rimdy jump, run, climb and smash his way to the top of each increasingly difficult level. Watch out for those evil Islanders and pray your nostrils don’t catch a blood curdling wiff of the mighty Pong!

Says Luke Smith of Pacemaker UK, one of the creators of The Turds: “We at Turds central believe that the nation needs to look at life beyond the bowl and see the beauty of their Turds. There’s one in all of us and the launch of web games gives everyone a chance to play with The Turds.”

Donkey Pong And The Adventures Of Rimdiana Jones is now available to play the dedicated The Turds site online at www.funsta.com/turds

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looks like sheet (damn you profanity filter)

these games look like they might cause a stink!

Oh dear….looks like someone's let the game dev's minds run free…
Last time they did that… they ended up with a dancing egg-shaped character called Dizzy…