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Q&A: Diablo 3 (III) - So what's new?

by Steven Williamson on 20 August 2008, 13:02

Tags: Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ:ATVI), PC, RPG

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaox4

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Release plans

When will Diablo III be released?
It’s too early to estimate Diablo III’s release date. As with all Blizzard Entertainment games, our goal is to create a game that is as fun, balanced, and polished as possible. We intend to take as much time developing Diablo III as is necessary to ensure the game meets our own high expectations and those of our players.

Will the game be released in multiple countries? Will the release be simultaneous? Which countries and what languages will Diablo III be localized in?
As with all of our games, our goal with Diablo III is to release the game simultaneously in as many regions as possible, and to localize the game in several languages. We’ll have more details to share about countries, languages, and specific dates as we get closer to release.

Will Diablo III be available on Windows and Mac simultaneously?
Yes. As with all of Blizzard Entertainment’s recent releases, Diablo III will ship for both Windows and Mac simultaneously.

How much will Diablo III cost? Where can I buy this game?
Pricing and availability for Diablo III will be determined and announced closer to the release of the game.

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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This is the main game im waiting for, its a shame they wont really give any information away because 5 classes and 2 of them are the barb and witch doctor(much like necromancer) so the others will probably be
In my opinion of course. Noticed that they mentioned havok physics, can i just say this is a blow to nvidia marketing simply because one of the worlds best series is not using their physics software so ati=win ? even though physics on gfx cards is purely marketing.
That it uses Havok now doesn't rule them out doing PhysX as well/instead by the time it eventually comes out. Though Blizzard do seem to have recently started an association with ATI so it's unlikely to change.
This is the main game im waiting for, its a shame they wont really give any information away because 5 classes and 2 of them are the barb and witch doctor(much like necromancer) so the others will probably be
In my opinion of course. Noticed that they mentioned havok physics, can i just say this is a blow to nvidia marketing simply because one of the worlds best series is not using their physics software so ati=win ? even though physics on gfx cards is purely marketing.

Yeah, it's a Q&A where there are more questions left than answers given!:)
This the one I am currently waiting to rebuild my machine for. I have permission from she who must be obeyed that once this is released a rebiuld is allowed.
I seem to remember them saying that only five classes would ship with the game. However, they'd be adding more via expansion packs?

If that were the case, we might not see the Necromancer in D3, but we might see him in the expansion.