Use the new Guitar Hero Guitar Grip peripheral for your rocking
New screenshots have been released to celebrate the impending release of Guitar Hero: On Tour for the Nintendo DS.Handheld gamers will have the freedom to unleash their inner rock star anywhere, anytime with Activision, Inc.'s upcoming Guitar Hero: On Tour for Nintendo DS. The game will deliver the Guitar Hero experience by challenging handheld gamers to rock out and prove their shredding skills on a diverse set list of master tracks including classic rock, alternative and pop favorites such as Nirvana, OK Go and No Doubt.

The game will be packaged with a revolutionary Guitar Hero Guitar Grip peripheral that fits snugly into the DS and a unique Guitar Hero pick-stylus that brings a new dimension to handheld gaming and the core gameplay that defines Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero: On Tour has been designed specifically for the DS platform and will offer the DS audience an all-new compelling music experience.