28 August 2012, 11:09
PS3 and Xbox 360 versions up for grabs!
29 September 2011, 10:48
Hands-on with the excruciatingly difficult action-RPG where only one thing is certain: death.
28 September 2011, 11:05
Konami has high hopes that its online component will be the best yet.
15 September 2011, 16:04
Spiritual successor to Warhawk takes to the skies for fast-paced, space-based combat.
15 September 2011, 14:08
Four arms are better than two in 2K's supernatural shooter.
25 August 2011, 10:40
Sony believes that Home has the potential to be the new Facebook on the social gaming scene, but will the quality games arrive?
9 June 2011, 13:49
Watch The Escape From Constantinople and then read about the new locations and gameplay elements of the next Assassin's Creed.
6 June 2011, 12:51
Activision explains the ins and outs of its new premium Call Of Duty Elite service.
6 June 2011, 11:12
From the creators of flOw & Flower comes another dream-like journey as you float and through the sands of ancient civilisation.
6 June 2011, 08:47
E3 kicks off this week, and EA is one of the first out of the dug-out with its brand new FIFA 12 video.
20 April 2011, 15:42
Something's afoot. Portal 2 scores well with critics but averagely for gamers.
14 March 2011, 14:23
Taking advantage of PlayStation Move, Ape Escape swings into stores in June.
3 March 2011, 08:37
PlayStation Move, wand-waving adventure takes you on a journey through Faerie Kingdom.
24 February 2011, 11:47
With the Morrowwind and Oblivion lead designer behind it, Reckoning should be worth keeping an eye on.
23 November 2010, 14:30
Offering both single player and four player co-op missions in war-torn Tajikistan.
18 November 2010, 18:12
Delving deeper into the third game of the popular Deus Ex series.
18 November 2010, 14:42
More the from the brilliant LEGO series coming next year.
23 September 2010, 16:07
Wondering what to do with your PlayStation Move controller. Here's the lowdown on all current titles.
23 August 2010, 09:21
4-player cooperative mayhem confirmed for next instalment in the Ratchet and Clank series.
9 August 2010, 12:30
Getting up close and personal with Obsidian's Jason Fader.
5 August 2010, 09:13
Featuring a limitless combination of martial arts moves, acrobatic stunts and super-human power attacks.
21 June 2010, 14:42
Polyphony Digital injects a new level of realism into Gran Turismo 5.
21 June 2010, 13:13
As the dust settles after E3, we take a look at what you get for signing up to Sony's new subscription based service.
23 December 2009, 13:52
What games have disappointed you this year?
17 December 2009, 13:04
Quantic Dream's noir-thriller promises to push the visual boundaries../
15 December 2009, 17:55
Producer Graeme Jennings gives us the lowdown on Prince of Persia : The Forgotten Sands.
29 September 2009, 19:14
Creative Director of Assassin's Creed II, Patrice Desilets, gives us the lowdown on the mystical action adventure.
19 August 2009, 10:15
So many games to look forward to and so little cash! Check out some of the games available between now and Christmas.
24 June 2009, 10:31
Rockstar has re-invented Max Payne's look for 2009. Check out how much the New York City cop has changed...
9 June 2009, 14:30
Listening to feedback and addressing gamer frustrations has been a high priority for EA Sports and its FIFA franchise.
28 May 2009, 11:21
Taking players on a photographic safari of Africa and its exotic animals
28 January 2009, 09:40
Tech specs, supported flight sticks, headset communication and much more revealed in this tech Q&A for the upcoming aerial combat game.
20 January 2009, 12:45
With the release of H.A.W.X quickly approaching, Ubi's community developer gives us the lowdown.
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