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Review: Gyration Media Center Remote: HTPC navigation done right?

by Parm Mann on 25 July 2008, 14:55

Tags: Gyration Media Center Remote Control, Gyration

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaoe3

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Final thoughts

At around £60, the Gyration Media Center remote is an expensive prospect. However, if you need to control more than just Media Center from your couch, the in-air motion-sensing functionality provides one of the best alternatives to a mouse.

The remote is highly intuitive, and the type of gadget that you genuinely enjoy using. You'll even enjoy showing it off to your friends and family.

It's one of the most enjoyable Media Center remotes we've used, and its added functionality proves to be incredibly useful. Sadly, the inability to enter alphabetic characters could prove to be a deal breaker for many. We're hoping Gyration will present us with a solution, but if searching for music is a regular task, it'll become an occasionally frustrating experience.

As a result, we've given the device an Innovation award. Should Gyration find a solution to our identified problem, the Gyration Media Remote would become easily recommended.

*Update* July 31st '08

Greg Smith, vice president of marketing at Gyration, has been in touch to offer a solution to the Gyration Media Remote's one major problem; the inability to enter alphabetic characters.

He advises that although the device is recognised by the OS as a Media Centre Remote, it doesn't automatically enable triple-tap functionality. Fortunately, Gyration has identified a solution and triple-tap can be enabled via a simple registry edit. Making it that little bit easier, Gyration offers a downloadable application to make the required changes for you.

Users can visit the US Gyration website, and download either the 32-bit or 64-bit Triple-Tap application. It's a tiny download, and once installed, triple-tap functionality is restored and the remote can enter alphabetic characters. We've tried it, and it works wonders.

It's a very simple fix, and one that makes the remote a complete Media Center solution. Though we'd like to see the Triple-Tap application bundled with the device itself, we're now happy to give this innovative remote a Recommended award.

HEXUS Awards

Gyration Media Center Remote

HEXUS Where2Buy

Gyration Media Center Remote can be purchased from Scan.co.uk for £59.93 and from QuietPC.com for £69.99.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

External Links

Official Gyration Media Center Remote website

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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I bought this remote with a bundled keyboard and they are fantasic. Well worth the money.
For me, no remote would be worth a £60 price tag, no matter what it does - mind you, this does look very useful. It would have to come in around the ~£30 for me to consider it.

Thats just me though, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there ready to pay £60. Most likely those who part with silly money for something like Logitechs DiNovo keyboard :O_o1:
There's still a desperate lack of good HTPC peripherals, I was thinking about getting the Logitech MX Air for my next build but this might be more suitable. It doesn't look as good as the Air though… As for keyboards, there's nothing out there apart from the diNovo Edge and £80 for a keyboard is a tough stretch. What are the chances of doing a MX Air and diNovo Edge review Hexus?
it is very expensive as I think I paid about £80 for the remote and keyboard but to be honest there simply wasn't anything else out there that did a better job than this.
I must have missed something, I found the MS controller very easy to use and its glow in the dark keypad was cool.