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UK's most watched YouTube videos of 2011 revealed

by Steven Williamson on 20 December 2011, 11:06

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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YouTube has revealed the most watched videos in the UK for 2011, which features a bizarre mix of natural comedy moments, musical montages and staged spoofs.

Topping the chart is ‘Ultimate Dog Tease,’ which involves a man teasing his dog about food, showing how the animal reacts by talking back to his owner. The clip has already drawn in a massive 74 million viewers worldwide.

Coming in at number two is the T-Mobile advertisement which delivers a unique and funny take on the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, showing a cast of look-a-likes dancing down the aisle.

In third position is a montage to Charlie Sheen, with clips taken from a number of no-holds barred interviews the actor had throughout 2011.

In fourth place is ‘Nyan Cat’, an animated sequence involving a flying cat that sours across the sky while Japanese pop music plays in the background. Over 54 million viewers watched this clip. And ideas why?

IT engineer Michael Collings lands in fifth with his Britain's Got Talent audition and a great rendition of Tracey Chapman’s Fast Car.

In sixth place is the edited footage from Masterchef showing the hosts rapping along to a hardcore dance track.

At number seven is ‘Diary Of A Bad Man 5’ a British comedy sketch show which has been gaining popularity across Britain throughout the year. In this episode, the star of the show makes a diary about his near death experience.

In ninth place is the video of the McEntee twins having an in-depth toddler conversation, and finally, Thomas Ridgewell and his sketch-based show, 'asdfmovie4', props up the pack at number ten.

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I'm guilty of number six only - what can I say? I like the buttery biscuit base. ;)
I've only seen 1 and 6, haven't even heard of the rest.

Btw, what's happened to 8?
22m million hits for this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR12Z8f1Dh8
I haven't seen any of them or even heard of them!