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Sky Go updated with on-demand movies

by Steven Williamson on 28 November 2011, 12:29

Tags: Sky

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Sky has confirmed that subscribers to its television service can now stream films on-demand via the Sky Go app.

Owners of Android devices are still going to have to wait a few months to get their mitts on the Sky Go app, but those with an iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone can now access the movie streaming service, which was previously restricted to laptop and desktop users, for no extra cost.

Only subscribers to Sky TV and Sky Movies can access films and streaming only currently works over a stable Wi-Fi connection. Sky says that the ability to watch its TV channels via 3G will be available shortly, possibly alongside the roll-out to Android, scheduled for the end of the year.

News and sport channels also available

In addition to the new service for Sky Go customers, users can still access and watch, on up to two devices at a time, all 11 Sky Movies channels in line with their existing subscriptions. New release titles available via Sky Go include Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Little Fockers, Black Swan, Gulliver’s Travels and Limitless.

The Sky Go app launched in July 2011 and, according to the company, boasts over two million users. In 2012, Sky plans to give subscribers the ability to watch TV via approximately 6,000 Wi-Fi hot-spots hosted at public places across the country, including restaurants, pubs and gyms.

You can download the Sky Go app at the iTunes store.

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Wake up Virgin Media!! About time you started off your customers extra features without screwing them with another 12month contract with your lousy customer service…

Lack of a decent BT line forcing me to use the bunch of totally inept morons! :(