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Google story to be made into a film?

by Pete Mason on 20 August 2010, 12:27

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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A lot of people were probably a bit surprised when they heard that the story of Facebook was going to be made into a feature film.  If the latest news is to be believed though, Google will be the next website to be given the movie treatment by Hollywood.

Much like The Social Network - which was based on the book The Accidental Billionaires - the Google story will be based on Googled: The End of the World as We Know It by Ken Auletta.

According to Michael London, whose Groundswell Productions purchased the film rights to the novel, it will be a story "about these two young guys who created a company that changed the world, and how the world in turn changed them".

He expanded on the concept by saying that "the heart of the movie is their wonderful edict, don't be evil...can you stay true to principles like that as you become as rich and powerful as that company has become?"

With The Social Network set to launch in October, we have no idea how receptive the movie going audience will be to the origin stories of websites that they use every day.  Even then, the story of Facebook is set to the backdrop of university parties, underhand tactics and double-crossing friends.  As a blockbuster film, it seems to have a lot more potential than two PhD students setting up a search-engine in a garage.

At this point, the film hasn't even progressed into pre-production and might not ever make it past the idea stage.  If all goes to plan, though, we could see a Google film in a couple of years' time.

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Good luck making that interesting
Good luck making that interesting

I suspect that the final script will involve Google employees doing a drive-by on AltaVista.
There is also a Facebook movie being released too:

I dunno, I found the book to be quite interesting. But then I also found Boo Hoo interesting too.
My goodness, are Hollywood really that utterly bereft of original ideas?