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Apple's iPod touch will be shipping by September 28th

by Tarinder Sandhu on 6 September 2007, 10:21

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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A week older than the iPod nano and classic, the Apple iPod touch is an iPhone in disguise.

Think of the iPod touch as an iPhone bereft of its telephony and you're pretty much there. It features a slightly slimmer form-factor - at just 8mm - but the same screen - a lovely-looking 480 x 320 3.5in touch-sensitive model - for true user interactivity.

It'll ship at the end of September and be available in flash-based 8GB and 16GB capacities. The standout feature, we suppose, is the 802.11g WiFi support, letting you wirelessly surf the web and download tracks from the iTunes store. Battery life is reckoned to be 22 hours for audio and 5 hours for video.

The 8GB touch will set you back £199 and £269 for the 16GB model.

HEXUS Forums :: 15 Comments

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When the price comes down, in around 3-6 months, I'll probably buy one of these.
Why buy an ipod phone?
I have two ipods, one a mp4 player and the other a normal mp3 player… both use that stupid i-tunes software and none of them are simple to use. I have heard various reviews stating that the ipod phone is just an mp3 player with a phone attached, surely if ipod were such a great company they would add this feature onto existing ipods like they do with the FM radio add-ons etc that they already sell..
IMO… a lot of hype and a phone that is substandard,, and i have seen one.. Yes the screen is good but it won't be long before nokia is there with a better version.. screw the ipcrap i will wait for nokia..
Combine the features of the iPod Touch with the storage and battery life of the new iPod Classic and I'd be interested. Anyone got a soldering iron and some tape?
Im on the look out for a new MP3 player this might just fit teh bill.

yes!!!! cant wait.

gonna get the 8gb model… and sell my 30gb ipod on hexus soon !