Could this be a big rival to Apple TV?
ARCHOS's TV+ is the company's first set-top digital video recorder and ships with a choice of hard disk - 80GiB or 250GiB.
The TV+ features WiFi, USB2.0 and Ethernet, along with an HDMI port for outputting 720p video to big-screen LCD TV sets. It's compatible with any ARCHOS Generation 5 PMP, so streaming should be simple. We also note that it ships with a built-in TV program guide - used in conjunction with a set-top box - that is a cinch to use.
ARCHOS is keen to point out that a number of plug-ins can be installed to enhance usability. For example, a web-browser plug-in turns it into an internet-enabled machine, along with Flash support for, say, watching HEXUS.tv. The unit includes with a cool-looking QWERTY remote-control, too.
The range of outputs is superior to Apple's, as well, with correctly-scaled standard-definition outputs, not just HD. The 80GB model should begin shipping soon for around £179. The 250GB model will attract an £80 premium.