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Google displays WebP

by Pete Mason on 1 October 2010, 15:09

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa2c2

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There are certain standards and files types that have become nearly ubiquitous, even though they may not be the best or most efficient. MP3 is certainly one example and some would argue that JPEG is another.

Google is looking to change this, though, with the announcement of WebP - pronounced ‘weppy'. The new lossy-format promises to preserve the quality and resolution of a JPEG while reducing the file size by an average of 39 per cent.

The original image encoded as a JPEG

The standard is based on the same VP8 codec that is used to encode video as a part of the WebM format. This is combined with a RIFF-based container that has been modified to be especially lightweight, requiring only around 20 bytes per image. However, the container is flexible, allowing a wide range of meta-data to be added.

The same image re-encoded using WebP (with a PNG container for compatibility) takes up 37 per cent less space

WebP is still in development, and this announcement is just a showcase of the format. As well as a collection of comparison images, the developers have released a conversion tool so that users can test it for themselves. Though only Linux binaries are available at the moment, a Windows converter is promised soon.

The next stage will be to increase awareness and adoption, and the team is hard at work developing a patch for WebKit that will provide native WebP support. This should be rolled into an upcoming version of Chrome, though integration into WebKit could mean that future releases of Safari - including mobile versions - Palm's webOS and the Android browser will all be compatible.

Of course, it will take much wider support than this for WebP to overtake JPEG. Many have tried to replace older standards, but only time will tell if Google can succeed where others have failed.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Hm seems interesting, JPEG is already an extremely small size but I guess even smaller with the same quality is always better. I wonder if support for this will manage to make it into Firefox 4.1 (considering Beta 7 of FX 4 is the feature freeze there's not much hope of it before then) and IE9, that will probably be fairly critical in ensuring it's success or failure.
I would've thought improving lossless compression would be a higher priority - if that compression can approach the jpeg file size, it should begin to supercede it.
Smaller file sizes for same quality is always a bonus though.
am i missing something:

Image 1 = 42595 bytes
Image 2 = 566192 bytes

am i missing something:

Image 1 = 42595 bytes
Image 2 = 566192 bytes


You missed this:
(with a PNG container for compatibility)
I'm guessing it's a lossless PNG of the WebP compressed image.