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Microsoft accounting suite enters retail

by Scott Bicheno on 28 March 2008, 11:02

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Boxed business

Until now, Microsoft’s Office Accounting suite had only been available online. But as of today, it’s being sold as boxed product in a number of UK retail outlets.

It doesn’t look like Microsoft is so keen on supporting retail that it’s stopping the direct download option from its own site however, so it will be interesting to see what demand for the boxed product is like.

Launched in November 2007, Microsoft Office Accounting 2008 is aimed at the SOHO market and businesses of up to 25 people. Since its launch in November last year it has had around 40,000 downloads.

‘Today many small business owners manage their business with a simple spreadsheet or have a shoebox of receipts, so they lack a comprehensive picture of their finances,” said Gareth Arnold, head of Microsoft Office Accounting. “Office Accounting brings this data together in one place, giving them far better control over their finances and cashflow.”

Microsoft Office Accounting Express is still available free of charge for startups and small businesses and can be downloaded from here (warning: chipy, chatty animations may be sprung on you without warning).

Suggested retail price of the product is as follows: Office Accounting Professional – £149.99, Office Accounting 3 user addition – £349.99 and Office Accounting Professional Plus, which includes 12 month subscription to Microsoft payroll service – £249.99.

For more info go here again (further warning: lift music from the outset followed by persistent nagging from the above, now not so chirpy, animation).

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