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Corsair gives us lowdown on new Carbide 300R and Obsidian 550D chassis


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I've modded my Coolermaster CM690 to function as similarly to the 550D as possible with Akasa acoustic absorption mats, some 140mm fans and a NZXT Sentry 2 fan controller to provide a balance between high airflow and low noise at the touch of some buttons.

I think my next system will be built in a Corsair 550D, unless something better comes out between now and when I purchase my next system.
anyone want to buy a second hand 650D? :p
Like the look of the 550D. I hope someone gets their mitts on one soon. Impatiently waiting since CES for a review.
Like wise, liking the look of Obsidian 550D, and at this time will most likely be my replacement case.
Not seen any indepth review yet.
Well I was planning on getting a 650 for my next build, but as I am planning on getting rid of my TV/PVR & sticking a card in my machine the 550 looks like it could be the case for me.