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HEXUS.tv :: Pacify Your PC - Part 2: Where's the noise?


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In Part 2 of Pacify Your PC, Quiet PC's Paul Lee show's Nick how to isolate noisy components with nothing more than a cable-tie.

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HEXUS Forums :: 25 Comments

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*Bang* lol that was a guddun ;)

Looking forward to some actual specific product recommendations & any tips/tricks they have under their sleeve being mentioned.
Part 3 is where we get into the guts of the system, rip it out and start rebuilding with the Quiet PC stuff.
Gotta say I'd have never thought of manually stopping fans and then turning the power on, might have to get my hands dirty one weekend. :mrgreen:
Part 3 is where we get into the guts of the system, rip it out and start rebuilding with the Quiet PC stuff.

I hope that isnt actually YOUR pc Nick! :p then again if they are givin you free products…
I like it. Some basic good advice, not learning much myself yet, however it's nice to see you covering the basics.

I personally would like to see 2 or 3 different aftermarket CPU coolers on show to demonstrate e.g. what £10 buys you, £20, £30 etc however i'd understand if you can't (since i guess it's not a review or comparison video as such).

Nice one. BTW Nick, you're developing quite a fair ‘on camera’ presence that's still lacking in a number of other ‘gadget’ video reviews. You might make a pro yet….:mrgreen:

Edit: PS It's a shame that the videos aren't getting more response in these forums, i think Hexus TV is a good idea.
I hope that Hexus finds it worthwhile and viable, i'd hate it to stop.
Are you able to post how many people are streaming it? (ballpark)