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Review: Cyberpower Trinity 300

by Parm Mann on 3 July 2015, 15:20

Tags: Cyberpower, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), NVIDIA (NASDAQ:NVDA)

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...Cyberpower's implementation is tidy, and there's enough room in Tristellar's individual compartments to house a potent array of hardware.

Cyberpower's Trinity 300 is one of the more unique PC gaming base units available today and offers something different for enthusiasts looking to stand out from the crowd.

Making use of Deepcool's eccentric Tristellar chassis, Cyberpower is able to offer high-end, mini-ITX thrills in a three-cabin form factor that, while pleasantly peculiar, works reasonably well in practise.

The chassis is built like a rock, Cyberpower's implementation is tidy, and there's enough room in Tristellar's individual compartments to house a potent array of hardware.

A work of art as well as a gaming rig, Trinity 300 provides a good mix of quirkiness and functionality, however there are some caveats to be aware of. Size and weight are considerable for a mini-ITX build, the reference-cooled GTX 980 gets quite warm under load, and the cost of the chassis is such that Trinity 300 will ultimately be out-performed by rival machines at the same price point.

Bottom line: if you are willing to accept the compromises, Trinity 300 is a beautiful bit of kit and offers a wow factor that sets it apart from other PCs in its class.

The Good
The Bad
Looks fantastic
Something different to the norm
Overclocked hexa-core processor
Solid-state storage and DDR4 memory
Tidy build quality
3-year warranty
Tristellar chassis drives up cost
Relatively big for a mini-ITX system
GPU gets quite warm
Very heavy

Cyberpower Trinity 300


The Trinity 300 base unit is available to purchase from Cyberpower.


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HEXUS Forums :: 15 Comments

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This machine looks fantastic.
Definitely a unique case but the footprint and cable spread from the rear would be awful, I just couldn't choose it over a Silverstone FT05 right now - that's the perfect case IMHO.
Its not for me but i can see the potential for a fully modular case system so its stackable like hi-fi or horizontally laid out one next to the other. This kind of casing really appeals to me.
It looks cool. But aside from aesthetics I can't see any real advantage over an equivalent custom-built PC in a normal mid or full tower case. In fact, the normal case has practical advantages, e.g. sound-proofing, air flow, upgradability (not all new hardware will necessarily fit into that case), weight, price.

It's nice to see some innovation. But sadly this is not something for me, despite the good looks.
I can't help myself - I love the look of that chassis.

It's a shame they didn't provide a mount that lets you stand it on it's end, like some kind of mini Cray super computer.