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Review: Thecus N7700: seven bays of NAS goodness?

by Parm Mann on 10 February 2009, 14:25 3.6

Tags: N7700, Thecus (4978.TWO)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaqxr

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Final thoughts and rating

As the first seven-bay NAS solution to grace our labs, we don't yet have a direct competitor to which it can be fairly compared. Nonetheless, our initial impressions are good. Despite raising storage capacity with a massive seven drive bays, the N7700 performs admirably in our test suite and is able to hold its own when compared to lesser five-bay units.

Features such as multiple file system support, stackability and iSCSI - along with a near-£1000 drive-less price tag - put the unit firmly into the enterprise bracket. For the die-hard home enthusiast seeking a media server capable of storing over 10 terabytes of data, though, it's always an option when costs matter not.

The N7700 ultimately delivers on its promise of raising the bar. It has a greater storage capacity than any NAS we've ever tested, it sports a quicker 1.86GHz Intel Celeron M processor, it's donning a feature list that'll put most others to shame, and it's all well built, too.

Unfortunately, and as with many other NAS products, we experienced a number of software headaches during usage, and the N7700 remains far from a consumer-friendly product. Software quirks aside, though, this is a high-end NAS solution that ultimately delivers high-end features and performance.

The good

Great-looking design
Responsive admin panel and good all-round performance
Plenty of high-end functionality

The not so good

An enterprise-orientated product that's priced out of reach for many home consumers
Software still in need of further refinement
Audible alarm can be annoying

HEXUS Rating

HEXUS.net scores products out of 100%, taking into account technology, implementation, stability, performance, value, customer care and desirability. A score for an average-rated product is a meaningful ‘50%’, and not ‘90%’, which is common practice for a great many other publications.

We consider any product score above '50%' as a safe buy. The higher the score, the higher the recommendation from HEXUS to buy. Simple, straightforward buying advice.


Thecus N7700 (above average)

HEXUS Where2Buy

The Thecus N7700 can be purchased from Scan.co.uk* at a cost of £949.89.

*As always, UK-based HEXUS.community discussion forum members will benefit from the SCAN2HEXUS Free Shipping initiative, which will save you a further few pounds plus also top-notch, priority customer service and technical support backed up by the SCANcare@HEXUS forum.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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There is still a long running issue with 1.5TB drives in the Thecus products.


I'm surprised to see it is in the HDD compatibility list, especially as there are so few other drives in there.

EXT3 can also only support up to 8TB, so you will need to create multiple RAID volumes if you want to fill it with 1.5TB or 2TB drives. I also have an issue with saying there is a maximum of 10.5TB, as any software that actually tells you how much space you have will actually say a lot less. 9.78TB minus RIAD and file systems would be more accurate.
Curious… Since Linux is the kernel being used by Thecus (I'm assuming that's the case, most NAS devices are), then how were they able to use ZFS?.. I hope they're not using the FUSE module.