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Review: MSI A88XM-E35

by Tarinder Sandhu on 2 April 2014, 15:00

Tags: MSI

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Inexpensive is perhaps the key word here, and MSI duly obliges with a well-thought-out FM2+ board costing just £40.

The AMD Kaveri APU platform commands attention for those looking towards an inexpensive PC that can, with some justification, handle the full gamut of everyday tasks.

Inexpensive is perhaps the key word here, and MSI duly obliges with a well-thought-out FM2+ board costing just £40. The A88XM-E35 ships with a good layout, strong BIOS, overclocks well enough, and is shorn of features that have no meaningful place in a budget system.

And while the Kaveri APUs still hold a price premium, older FM2 chips, which run happily on a board such as this, are readily available for under £50. On a strict budget and want a modern board that will take any AMD APU? The MSI A88XM-E35 is a fine choice. Recommended.

The Good

Excellent value
Dual Graphics support
Decent BIOS

The Bad

None of note




The MSI A88XM-E35 motherboard is currently available at Scan.co.uk.


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HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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This is the time I am seeing

“The Bad

None of note”
Asus<-Gigabyte<-MSI<-AsRock<-ETC. Price wise its the exact opposite.
the isn't as good as the i5 bit price to performance ratio, i think it's better to go with the apu
Apu is just not worth it, you can still get same performance with fm3+ or 1550 based systems for same price but with better upgrade capabilities
As a current MSI AMD mobo owner; I can swear by the solidity and value even if mine is an ancient 785G AM2+ model. Will note this for future budget builds.