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Review: DFI NB80-EA Granite Bay - Overclocking

by David Ross on 11 December 2002, 00:00

Tags: DFI (TPE:2397)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qao2

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DFI have produced a exceptional motherboard in the NB80-EA, especially when you consider that it is using a brand new Intel chipset. There are reports of instability and problems with the Granite Bay chipset, none were evident on this board which is a real achievement.

The board is produced to a very high standard. Only one problem was experienced while running the board in the Vapochil. When booting the system from cold the vapochil takes a minute or two to begin cooling, once the critical t1 temperature is reached (0c in this case) the vapochil applies voltage to the motherboard allowing booting. From a cold boot the moment power was applied to the board it turned its self off immediately. Restarting cures the problem. An annoying, but not terminal fault.

With a small amount of physical tweaking we managed to overcome the boards most major failing, lack of vcore adjustment. It is true that the board does not provide any voltage adjustment for AGP or DDR, but with Dual Band DDR we were able to get the RAM to fully utilise the P4's potential bandwidth without the need for very high ram speeds and therefore additional voltage. So no real loss.

It is all very well producing good benchmarking scores based on tests like Sandra. The NB80-EA proved that its performance is equally as impressive in real world tests like Seti and PiFast. The scores are better than many Asus P4T's with 4200Rimms.

Although difficult to quantify, the board feels incredibly fast. A full install of Windows XP, including a quick format, took only 10 Minutes. Games like UT2003 run effortlessly. All this with a P4 2.4b running at 3,100Mhz. What would the performance be with a P42.8 or 3.06 one wonders?

DFI, a relatively unknown component maker, have produced a real winner in the NB80-EA motherboard. With a revised bios giving greater vcore control the board has the potential to become an overclockers delight. Hopefully DFI will move this board into full retail production very soon, they certainly should do.

HEXUS Forums :: 13 Comments

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Ah bugger i missed it :(

Driven to Glasgow & back 2day & missed the fun.

But i did see two very fast jets practice dog fighting over the motorway at 11 am this morning so i stopped at teh services to watch them - absolutely breath taking :eek:

I'm up for a session later in the week if there's one going :)
heh, only took us 3 restarts to try and line up on the runway

shot of me tailgating lowe :D

ive got 750mb of video from it aswell ill try and cut down :D

400mb of it is cesium messin about on the runway, the old “my afterburners are stuck on” trick
lol aye pity I had to leave:( Jnrs chickenpox played up so had to bail. Was good fun esp Sheeny ejecting on runway rather than refueling :)

and a certain fat fingers quote from mr pee :)

And Ces saying get a bit closer to blinkz when the nose of me plane was almost kissing his tail. Any closer and I was in his lap tbh
I'd really like to join in flying with you guys, can anyone join in? I'm still learning, primarily in the F15, but I'm sure I'll pick it up.
Have a new graphics card on order primarily for LOMAC, so should hopefully be joining you lot soon. Have finally got the radar and A2A submodes sorted on the SU-33, the helmet mounted sight is great close in especially as I have pan mapped to the mouse nipple thing on my X45. If you have an x45 and want a good profile give me a yell, have a modified version of one I dloaded. Just need to map zoom on to a control now.