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KFA2 GeForce GTX 460 WHDI graphics card review

by Parm Mann on 18 April 2011, 17:00 3.0

Tags: KFA2

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa5lh

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Final thoughts and rating

KFA2 is in the habit of delivering graphics cards that offer something a little bit different, and the GTX 460 WHDI is its most innovative solution to date.

By integrating a WHDI transmitter and bundling a pre-paired receiver, the unusual graphics card delivers a compelling wireless solution to those who have exhausted all other avenues.

Sure, a long HDMI cable can be picked up at a fraction of the cost, but if the option of running cables or drilling holes isn't available, KFA's card represents an all-in-one solution with the technology required to wirelessly transport high-def multimedia around the home or office.

It's easy to use and WHDI technology can deliver impressive results in the right environment, making this an ideal method of beaming your PC-based games to your big-screen HDTV.

But there are a few provisos attached. Wireless performance will be mixed - with factors ranging from distance, thickness of walls, to congestion in the 5GHz band coming into play - and although the addition of wireless USB is an excellent idea, it's poorly executed and currently lacks support for 64-bit PCs.

Attach the lofty price tag of Ā£345, and you're left with an innovative graphics card that's suited only to those who demand a wire-free solution.

The Good

WHDI wireless technology delivers impressive results
Built on the award-winning GeForce GTX 460
Easy to setup and install

The Bad

Costs almost three times as much as a standard GTX 460
Wireless USB signal transmission needs work (no 64-bit support)
Lacks support for 3D gaming or 3D Blu-ray

HEXUS Rating

KFA2 GeForce GTX 460 WHDI

HEXUS Awards

KFA2 GeForce GTX 460 WHDI

HEXUS Where2Buy

The KFA2 GeForce GTX 460 WHDI graphics card is available to purchase from SCAN.co.uk*

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At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

*As always, UK-based HEXUS.community forum members will benefit from the SCAN2HEXUS Free Shipping initiative, which will save you a further few pounds plus also top-notch, priority customer service and technical support backed up by the SCANcare@HEXUSforum.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Great idea but I guess this tech still need to mature quite a bit.
Hexus how about the 720P video/gaming usable distance ranges ?
I think its just the inherit side-effect of wireless rather than the tech?
That's not a video interface, it's a 5GHz jamming device. Who the hell needs a wireless gaming card?
That's not a video interface, it's a 5GHz jamming device. Who the hell needs a wireless gaming card?

Pretty niche market, the only ones I can think of are silence/style obsessed people who may want to keep the PC in another room, and play on the TV in the living room… perhaps that's more wife-friendly!

Best ‘new’ use I can think of is a tablet screen (screen & battery and wireless bits only) you could carry to wherever in the house you were and still game away with the processing power of a real PC.