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Review: Asus GeForce RTX 3080 Ti TUF Gaming

by Tarinder Sandhu on 29 July 2021, 12:01


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...we have little intrinsic criticism of how Asus has gone about the task.

We come away with this look at the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti TUF Gaming safe in the knowledge that Asus knows how to build a solid card around Nvidia's premier GPU solutions.

Eschewing some of the more garish bling adorning competitors, TUF Gaming is a restrained proposition that fits easily into a wide range of builds, and performance is exactly where we'd expect.

Good temperatures run alongside reasonable noise levels, so we have little intrinsic criticism of how Asus has gone about the task.

Pricing, however, remains a painful issue. Unless Asus can really whittle the retail cost down to supposed RRP levels of around £1,200 - we see no evidence of this right now - then we're afraid the TUF Gaming is not a great bet when the more powerful RTX 3090 cards are starting to appear at semi-sane levels.

Bottom line: a fine card in its own right, the Asus GeForce RTX 3080 Ti TUF Gaming doesn't live up to its pricing promise.

The Good
The Bad
RTX 3090-like gaming performance
Solid build and restrained RGB
Latest-gen RTX and DLSS tech
Dual BIOSes
Great temps
Not available at RRP levels
Other RTX 3080 Tis are quieter

Asus GeForce RTX 3080 Ti TUF Gaming




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HEXUS Forums :: 24 Comments

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Dear Hexus,

I'm very disappointed to see that my Vega64 isn't on the charts for comparison. I fail to see how such a quality card that was so relevant when it came out and is still potent is not on the charts so I can see if anything new is a worthy upgr…

Never mind, there's only so much trolling I can keep up.
These things aren't worth a penny over £800,none of them,given the relative performance to the vanilla ‘80’s

So the idea of spending double that, is just plain nauseating.
These things aren't worth a penny over £800,none of them,given the relative performance to the vanilla ‘80’s

So the idea of spending double that, is just plain nauseating.

That is what they are worth to you (and me). Evidently there are enough people who are willing to pay double that they can price it like that.
TUF sell
Another GeForce RTX 3080 Ti review for a card that you cannot readily buy.

Most accurate review yet.

…albeit with inevitable price premiums over supposed RRPs.

I think that the current generation are overpriced at RRP, never mind the frankly obscene prices they've been hitting over the last year. Unless there's a major price drop, at the point I'm just going to sit on my GTX980Ti and wait for the next generation.

Admittedly, there's not many AAA games I'd be buying right now anyway since I'm boycotting Ubisoft and Activision over their culture of abuse, and Blizzard over the Blitzchung mess.