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Review: AMD A8-5600K

by Tarinder Sandhu on 18 October 2012, 12:00 3.5


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabnxb

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Final thoughts and rating

AMD's rollout of six second-generation APUs brings renewed focus to the constituent parts of any mainstream PC today. A good look at the A8-5600K chip reveals its can-do CPU core and above-average integrated graphics provide a good fit for an inexpensive system.

We'd recommend pairing said APU with a microATX motherboard, 8GB of DDR3-2,133 memory, a cheap-as-chips SSD, and a small chassis - all for under £300, assuming you could sufficiently cool the chip without resorting to using loud fans.

After presenting 30-odd graphs and prodding and poking the APU's qualities, we feel that AMD's A8-5600K is a reasonable bet if you can't stretch the extra £20 for the A10-5800K and don't want to go down the Intel Core i3 path.

In an ideal world, however, we'd like to see this APU's power-draw drop from 100W to 65W - helping cooling in confined spaces - and the graphics to match the full-fat variety offered on the A10-5800K. Hold on a second, folks, because the A10-5700 may just fit that bill, though its review story will be told a different day.

The Good

Reasonable CPU and capable GPU
Competitive pricing
Overclocks well

The Bad

100W TDP negates use in small systems

HEXUS Rating

AMD A8-5600K

HEXUS Awards

HEXUS Good Value
AMD A8-5600K

HEXUS Where2Buy

The AMD A8-5600K APU is available to purchase from Scan Computers*.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

*UK-based HEXUS community members are eligible for free delivery and priority customer service through the SCAN.care@HEXUS forum.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Another good review - any chance of Hexus reviewing the A10-5700 or even the A6-5400K?? :p
I'm looking forward to the A6-5400K review, as it appears to have higher 3d performance than it ought to based on the hardware available to it.
Another good review - any chance of Hexus reviewing the A10-5700 or even the A6-5400K?? :p

The Article
… the A10-5700 may just fit that bill, though its review story will be told a different day.

Looks like a “probably” to me :D Although the A6-5400K would be an interesting review … can we have one? Please?
Disappointed by its idle power draw :(
Most reviews show it idling at lower draw than Llano, so as Tarinder says in the review that might be an artefact of the motherboard used. 30W is still pretty good for an entire system… ;)