Coupling a C3 with a Shuttle SV24 or even the recently released SV25 is
definitely a option available to those looking for a home theatre setup
or even just a silent PC to sit in a bedroom without waking you up in
the middle of the night.
Ok so the C3 wont blow you away with stunning speeds but that's was never VIA's intensions. But with the stunningly low temperatures the C3 offers there is no alternative! You can run them 24/7 with passive cooling safe in the knowledge that they wont overheat! No other chip can offer that level of performance
In the Shuttle the C3 is
a viable option but in a full sized PC there a far more opportunities
for creating a silent PC. The realm of watercooling becomes available
but is an expensive route to take. Large fans with high flow rates and
low noise levels are also at your disposal.
All of these possibilities make the C3 less attractive and overly priced
compared to a Celeron of the same price which will perform better.
The C3 just works as is.
No fans, no gimmicky watercoolers just a plain old heatsink.
Try it, you won't be disappointed.