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Review: Antec P150 - Quiet PC

by Matt Davey on 23 June 2006, 18:52

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaf3s

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Final thoughts, award and HEXUS.right2reply

Final thoughts, award and HEXUS Right2Reply

The Antec P150 does perform well overall, sure, but the lack of removable motherboard tray and sheer space restrictions are disappointing. However, this does mean this is a case that would ideally suit someone who builds a system but then doesn’t really tinker with it.

Realistically, the P150 offers a very good all round package to system builders and OEMs, but, at the same time, if you are looking for a no-nonsense chassis the P150 really should be on your shopping list.

Overall a good effort, and given the package includes the latest series of Antec’s popular PSUs, it gets our classic good value award.

Classic - Good Value

HEXUS Right2Reply

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HEXUS Forums :: 17 Comments

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I was please to see a Hexus review of this case as I have been considering buying one for a few weeks and like the style of your reviews. The review gives plenty of information (and nice pictures) on the case layout and installation however seeing as the focus of the design was acoustic performance it would have been nice to see some analysis of this even if it was purely qualitative. It would also be good to see some more about the inculded power supply and cable management (modular) system.

Generally though another quality Hexus review.
no P166 and P233?

I was please to see a Hexus review of this case as I have been considering buying one for a few weeks and like the style of your reviews. The review gives plenty of information (and nice pictures) on the case layout and installation however seeing as the focus of the design was acoustic performance it would have been nice to see some analysis of this even if it was purely qualitative. It would also be good to see some more about the inculded power supply and cable management (modular) system.

Generally though another quality Hexus review.

The problem with acoustic performance is exactly as you say, short of having DB readings how exactly do you quantify it. I will be doing a long overdue review of the P180 to see how it fairs against its newer companion and i will see what i can do about doing some sort of acoustic comparison to that.

As regards the power supply, that is an entirely different item to review and I will be trying to see if I can get a review done of that separately, be it on its own or part of a group test (seeing as the P150 is the only case it ships with, but the PSU itself is also sold separately.)


Matt D
I will be doing a long overdue review of the P180 to see how it fairs against its newer companion and i will see what i can do about doing some sort of acoustic comparison to that.

Looking forward to that review/roundup. Cheers
Award for funniest quote of the month :

A couple of extra inches would have helped matters. They usually do

Had trouble reading the rest as the tears were rolling ;) Lovely case though….love the rubber mounts.