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Apple to follow MS into the living room with 'reborn Mac mini'

by Bob Crabtree on 30 November 2005, 23:55

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Apple to follow MS into the living room with 'reborn Mac mini'

Think Secret is predicting that Apple's titchy small Mac mini will be reborn as a media-centre PC at the next Mac Expo in San Francisco (Jan 9-13). It reports that the new Mac mini, code-named Kaleidoscope, will feature an Intel processor and include TiVo-like PVR functionality.

Mac miniMac mini

Think Secret also reckons that Kaleidoscope will be running a new version of Front Row - the media-player front-end applet. The original (controlled by a tiny wireless remote handset) was introduced by Apple with its fourth-generation all-in-one iMac computers at the October event which also saw the launch of the video iPod and a chargeable video-download service via iTunes. Check out our report from that event if you missed it.

Apple Front Row media centre interfaceFront Row interface on iMac.
Click for short video - QuickTime required

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If it has a decent tuner card and the price is right, i may well have to get one.
I would if it switched to an alternative X86-64 based chipset :)