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ASUS launches ARES CG6155 gaming powerhouse

by Parm Mann on 18 June 2008, 10:03

Tags: ASUSTeK (TPE:2357)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qansk

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It appears that the hardcore gaming market, full to the brim with monstrous-but-ugly systems, is showing no signs of slowing.

The latest entry comes from ASUS, who has today unveiled the ASUS ARES CG6155 - not the best name we've ever seen for a computer system. Nonetheless, it's what's inside that counts, right?

The ARES CG6155 features Intel's 3GHz quad-core QX9650 Extreme at its heart, and ASUS tells us it'll be overclockable up to 4GHz. Add three of NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 280s in 3-way SLI and you've got a system you'll be able to brag about.

In order to help power the three-way GTX 280 setup, the ARES CG6155 will pack not one but two 1,000W PSUs. It'll be using NVIDIA's nForce 790i Ultra chipset, and you'll be able to add up to 8GiBs of DDR3 1,333MHz memory. Storage options will provide up to 4TiBs of hard disk space, and Blu-ray, too.

ASUS is also offering a selection of gamer-accessories. Customers will be able to choose a gaming keyboard, mouse, mouse pad and headset - though, we don't yet know if these will be included in the package. We're guessing they're optional extras.

If the spec hasn't sold it to you, here's a bit of that legendary ASUS marketing:

This powerful piece of gaming hardware comprises an array of top-notch components to provide gamers with the performance and stability for their every gaming need. The unique exterior design is inspired by ancient and modern armour with both Eastern and Western influences, and presents an aesthetic appeal that exudes pure power!

ASUS is still working on the official product page, and further details are a little scarce. We can, however, expect to see the ARES CG6155 arrive in Q3. Pricing is still to be finalised, but we'd start saving now.

Official press release: ASUS ARES CG6155 – The Ultimate Gaming Powerhouse

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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What's wrong with these companies…?

Oi you lot I will not buy a PC which looks like a Transformer's arse!
Sounds like it has very nice insides but…the case…never heard of “Keep It Simple Stupid”?

Some people will like it, but it is an eyesore to me.
It looks a bit like “Kit” from Nightrider after about 10 years of curry and beer. It's look rather “Tubby” in its old age. At least there are other more sleak cases out there.. Silverstone to the rescue!
Nice peripherals though.