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Synology NAS servers get perfomance boost

by Steven Williamson on 1 December 2011, 09:09

Tags: Synology

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An update for selected Synology NAS servers is now available, improving file transfer speeds by up 18.8 per cent.

With the ARM Performance Acceleration Technology, for instance, the DS212+ writes faster at 65.69 MB/sec,” reads the official press release.

Update DSM 3.2-1955 boosts the performance and productivity of NAS servers with its ARM Performance Acceleration Technology, improving the stability of data transfer with USB 3.0 storage devices and adding compatibility of iSCSI targets with ESXi servers.

More information on the update can be found at: http://www.synology.com/releaseNote/DSM3.2_v1955_ARM.php where you can also find a list of compatible models.

You can download the update here, or via the DiskStation Manager.

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