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Ghost Gamer Broadband launches in the UK

by Mark Tyson on 24 July 2019, 12:11

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaeb4s

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The UK has a new broadband ISP offering products aimed specifically at gamers. Ghost Gamer Broadband are now taking orders for the "ultimate multiplayer and Pro standard gamer broadband," starting at £28.99 (ADSL, up to 10Mbps), through £43.99 (Fibre, up to 80Mbps) up to £44.99 pcm (FTTP/GFast, up to 330Mbps). Whichever you choose from you will benefit from "low ping rates and minimal latency," plus a fixed IP, and the promise of no throttling, no network traffic management, and with truly unlimited downloads.

In a statement reproduced by ISP Review, Chris Dale, MD of Ghost Gamer Broadband, said "The internet plays an increasingly vital part in our everyday lives, yet the quality of the broadband entering our homes is often overlooked. This just leads to frustration". Dale went on to assert that a stable and fast connection, "which maintains its quality during peak times is essential for online gaming".

What about the technology behind Ghost Gamer Broadband which is straplined as being "For Gamers, By Gamers"? Mark Jackson at ISP Review observes that there are "plenty of other providers that could make the same sort of claims as GBB (AAISP, iDNET, Zen Internet etc.), albeit without specifically advertising themselves as being designed for multiplayer gamers". Only one chart is provided by Ghost Gamer Broadband for comparison's sake, and the comparison ISP isn't indicated.

In summary, Ghost Gamer Broadband might perform well for you as a gamer but it won't necessarily be better than rivals that aren't designed "For Gamers, By Gamers" (Razer might be interested in this strapline). Business ISP Structured Communications is behind Ghost Gamer Broadband. Last but not least, it seems like the headlining pricing doesn't include line rental - an extra £10pcm.

Or perhaps get a Leetline?

Ghost Gamer Broadband isn't the first dedicated gaming ISP in the UK. In May this year business ISP Trunk Networks launched Leetline, which was heralded in much the same fashion as GGB, as offering "low latency, high bandwidth internet connectivity," for optimal online gaming pleasure. Its pricing starts at £40pcm including phone line rental for an FTTC 40:10 connection.

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“For Gamers, By Gamers” (Razer might be interested in this strapline).
My thoughts exactly, and one reason I'll not be spending my spondoolicks on their marketing hype… the other being the 900Mbps I'll eventually end up with once the supplier actually turns the flippin' fibre cabinet on!
the guys at ISP Review do a good job of pointing out the errors already

“Sadly the website itself doesn’t offer a lot of detail on their packages or prices, although they seem to be promoting “up to” speeds instead of the required “average speeds“. One other problem we noticed is that their website promotes service prices that exclude the £10 monthly cost of line rental (you only see this when running through their order system), which is something the ASA requires to be made clear.” - ISP Review

So… a quick look
Ghost Gamers Website
"We can’t prevent every fault, but we do want you to stay focused on winning. When it comes to your broadband, we promise to have your back – every step of the way.
and that means….what exactly?

ref Interleaving
Ghost Gamers Website
If you notice this happening on our network, it will almost certainly be the result of interleaving. Interleaving is an error-correction algorithm. If you have a long or noisy phone line, interleaving will help to improve the stability of your connection.

Interleaving is very helpful for maintaining your experience when browsing the web or streaming video. However it does add to latency: typically 8–9 milliseconds.

Interleaving can’t be switched off for FTTC lines but you can ask for it to be switched off on ADSL services. We can review your options to ensure you receive the best possible performance."
useful…so you're gonna tell Jo Blow from Dunmow “I'd suggest forget FTTC going ADSL”

look forward to that outcome.
Yeah I won't be signing up. Their website makes a load of clearly bogus claims for “Competitor Average”, then slaps “Gamer” all over the website and adds on a gamer-tax to the price like we've see on “gaming” hardware in recent years.
I'm using zen 80/20 fibre (so basically the above £43.99 package) at £35(and 40p iirc). I'm still on BT line rental so the line rental cost doesn't make a difference.

I have the below for that little list shown on the bottom picture.
steam - 10ms ttl = 55
playstation - 11ms ttl = 54
xbox - 12ms ttl = 55
google - the IP timed out so no idea how they got theirs but google.co.uk is 10ms ttl = 54
bbc - 10ms ttl = 56

Now considering I'm in a little village in Norfolk (location affects ping as we all know), on a wifi connection and the temperatures aren't exactly cool (cable expansion slows pings etc a bit due to ‘stretch’) I'd say that you're basically just getting what you ‘should’ be getting from a decent ISP….but paying more for it than say Zen (and many others I would guess)
hmm I get 13-18ms atm with 64meg download and 18 up for £27.50
why would I want to up my cost