Having been stirring the rumour pot for a goodly while, Microsoft unveiled basic details at the start of CeBIT of its mysterious Origami project which, as expected, turned out to be a Windows-based ultra-mobile mini-tablet PC.
Designed to be a bridge between PDA and laptop, these ultra-mobile handheld PCs are a sign to the future, Microsoft claims. The majority are expected to use low-power Intel CPUs but VIA Technologies reckons its CPUs can do a better job.
One such VIA-based multi-function device, designed by PaceBlade, features a touch-sensitive 7-in TFT and has at its heart VIA's all-new C7-M ULV processor. Initially, this runs at speeds of 1.0GHz and 1.5GHz and pushes out a maximum TDP of just 3.5W for the 1.0GHz version and just 7.5W for the 1.5GHz model. VIA says that its Origami-based PC has a battery life of nearly three hours and is expected to retail at between $500-$700 on launch, depending upon specification.