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iPad 2 supply not meeting boardroom demand

by Scott Bicheno on 4 April 2011, 16:39

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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Big business

The big queues of consumers hoping to be among the first to get hold of the iPad 2 was no great surprise, but perhaps more so it the clamour from senior execs, according to a story in the FT.

This information came from talking to a company called Diligent, which makes software and services specifically to allow board meetings to be digital, rather than paper-based. Apparently many potential customers are delaying the move to paperless board meetings because they're waiting for more iPad 2s to become available.

It looks like, right now, the only tablet senior execs are interested in is the iPad 2, which must be especially disheartening for the Honeycomb ecosystem, let alone the recent Windows tablet launches that specifically target business users.

But Apple seems to have the problem everyone else would love to have - meeting demand. How much of the apparent shortfall in supply is down to Japan-related component shortages and how much is simply due to overwhelming demand, but if this anecdotal account is to be taken literally, it's not just mainstream notebook OEMs that are threatened by the popularity of the iPad.

A telling part of the story concerns an unnamed company that is waiting for iPad 2s it ordered on the day of launch. Apparently it has already started having paperless board meetings using notebooks, but it speaks volumes that it's still so keen to move to tablets.


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wait so a firm which makes neiche software, is claiming there is a surprising demand from its target demographic.

well if that isn't a newsworthy story for a tech site, then I don't know what else is, you could always do an article on everything featured on QVC if your stuck.
Apparently many potential customers are delaying the move to paperless board meetings because they're waiting for more iPad 2s to become available.
Question: does the “Diligent” company quoted actually support more than just iOS? If not, then it's not really that meaningful a “finding”.

Of course, if I was being negative I could point the finger at the FT - since it's part of the Murdoch stable - being quite pro-Apple and quite happy to hype up the latest gizmo.
Dudes - I said in the piece it's available on notebooks. As I also said, this is anecdotal evidence that the iPad 2 is proving popular in boardrooms.

Also FYI the FT is owned by Pearson, not News Corp, and it's spelt niche. :)
Anecdotal, yes. It's still not very interesting though Scott ;)

Yes another article out there that adds to the idea that the iPad is sooooo popular that you must be a fool not to want one. All these otehr cool and important people have one or can't even get one, why don't you have one?
Is the software also available on Windows tablets?? These existed yonks before the current crop of iOS and Android devices.