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CEBIT 2005 : A Pictorial view.

by Nick Haywood on 23 March 2005, 00:00

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My personal look, a few snapshots

CeBIT 2005 : A general round-up.

Now, if you’ve made it this far, I salute you, as this has been a marathon journey for the both of us… This last page is really something special though, this is my little personal bit of CeBIT, the stuff I liked the most. There is hardly any mention of computers in this last bit, purely because all I’ve done is write about them for a solid week. I’m not moaning, far from it, but I’m sure you guys have had more than enough PC tech stuff to keep you happy for a while… This is the other side of CeBIT, the side that makes you go “Hmmmmm”.

So rally your will and bite the bullet, as I take you on a warped and random race through my week of CeBIT 2005…

I know it was cold there, but perhaps these guys are a little over-prepared?

What? Are you mad? No Tarzt? I’m going to let your tyres down, buddy.

Ha! There you go, the Gizmondo girlies come to the rescue… Tarzt ban or not, they’re happy to be snapped…

I wanna put a big shout out to ma main home boy… Jo, I’m down wit’ yo’ Linux, boi! Westside… Respek!

Though the new Samsung boasts the highest resolution screen of any phone, it has some serious portability issues…

Not only did Team HEXUS bring you several world firsts from CeBIT2005, we can now exclusively reveal where Saddam hid those missiles!

NVIDIA’s Andrew Humber gets technical with a young man who really should be out on his bike pulling endos rather than talking quadruple pixel pipeline triple buffer underpass cross-filtering… as Andrew’s expression shows.

AMD and Fujitsu’s Fun Palazza balloon. Inside was a working anti-gravity chamber and Thai massage parlour all rolled into one… It proved strangely popular with one member of Team HEXUS

Of course, not to be outdone, Shuttle XPC lay on some entertainment of their own… I didn’t see the end, having been kicked out for trying to stuff fistfuls of Euros in their belts…

Rys, our top review blokey, drops his guard and shows the dark side to his character that all manufacturers shall learn to fear.

So that’s it, my first CeBIT finally wrapped up and put to bed. There were a few stories we heard rumours of but could never get anything concrete on; such as the hidden golden AMD sticker on the Intel stand, the new flame retardant colours for a certain brand of power supply, the Windows powered jet that has a roll-back function built in for when it crashes and a hundred other scoops that either got missed or we just couldn’t be bothered to make up anything about…

So, until next year, (provided the Home Office give me my passport back), it’s time for me to say thank you, it’s been a rush… Can you take the cuffs off now please officer?