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CEBIT 2005 : A Pictorial view.

by Nick Haywood on 23 March 2005, 00:00

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabbw

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Yes, everyone was banking.

CeBIT 2005 : A general round-up.

Still with me? Good, because now we’re going to move on to the heady and exciting world of the banking and finance halls, where I could hardly ever be dragged away from, such was the narcotic like rush of setting foot within these halls. The atmosphere was electric everyday of the show, the quiet rustle of the pinstripe suit, the riffle of money… it was as much as I could do to sprint through the halls before finding myself with three more loans and seven life insurance policies… On with the pictures, I have to finish saying goodbye to the kids as they’re now collateral for a new mortgage…

So you put the original in here, and get 10 copies out here… Keep the original and hand the others out to your customers, muwahahaha!

(Insert your own joke here about mis-hearing 24 hour Banking)

See? Totally jammed… Now you can charge them £30 to get it back…