Blizzard launched Overwatch earlier today on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. By all indications this is going to be a very popular game; the Open Beta test broke records for Blizzard, so both AMD and Nvidia have rolled out drivers optimised to provide the best performance they can in the new game. As usual with driver updates, that's not all. Both sets of drivers provide optimisations and profiles for a few further games plus numerous resolved issues and bug fixes.
AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.3
AMD's driver is flagged as a 'Hotfix' with the following highlights:
Optimisations for; Total War: Warhammer, Overwatch, Dota 2 (with Vulkan API). In addition, AMD has created new AMD Crossfire profiles for; Total War: Warhammer and Overwatch.
There are several notable issues fixed. What caught my eye were the fixing of stuttering in Fallout 4 when using a Crossfire setup. Similarly texture flickering was removed from The Division on Crossfire setups. It was good to see that AMD also ironed out a couple of stability issues with its XConnect external GPU tech.
You can read the full release notes for this driver here before you grab the 32-bit or 64-bit (exe) driver files.
Nvidia GeForce Game Ready 368.22 WHQL drivers
Like AMD, Nvidia doesn't stop at optimising for today's Overwatch release. The 368.22 WHQL driver additionally provides optimisations for World of Tanks and War Thunder. There's not a lot more new stuff in this driver at all except for a single fix for SLI systems suffering from stuttering in The Division after 20 to 30 minutes of gameplay. For the full release notes you can download this PDF.
The Nvidia driver update can be snagged via the GeForce Experience or head on over to the GeForce drivers update page.