Amidst launch date suggestions and pricing rumours, you may be wondering how AMD is expecting its FX-Series CPUs to square-off, against Intel's line-up.
The slide above, apparently taken from an AMD Press Pack, shows that the company's flagship 8-core FX-8150 CPU looks set to spar well with Intel's Core i7-980X, in gaming tests. Though we're not made aware of other system information, the FX-8150 seemingly keeps up with the Core i7-980X, and in some cases, does a little better.
The next slide demonstrates the performance benefits derived with multithreaded applications. AMD's examples show an FX-Series CPU, up against Intel's Core i5 2500K and Core i7 2600K.
Last, there's that price-to-performance argument. Here AMD throws some numbers around, and claims that an FX-8150 based system has a price advantage of up to $800 US Dollars, against the cost of a comparable Core i7-980X powered system.