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Phobya Black OWL Handcrafted Watercooling Case

Tags: Phobya, Aquatuning

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The Bit-tech.net Case Design Competition winner Black OWL is in view weeks in very small quantities at www.aquatuning.de. The manufacturer consortium Phobya didn't made any compromises and presents an absolute high-end water cooling case, which fulfills the highest expectations.

Accordingly it is self-evident that the material of choice is 1.5mm thick aluminum. Whereas the fact that with Watercool a german manufacturer is on board is less obvious. Thus from the cutting to the final assembly the OWL is completely handmade in Germany.

When asked why the case is produced by German manufacturers Nathanael Draht, in turn CEO of Aquatuning answered: "We wanted to create something unique with the OWL and I think we succeeded. Renowned testers and many users gave us tips that we have implemented in this case".

The OWL isn't riveted but completely screwed. With that modular construction the case also appeals to modders. Other highlights are the compact dimensions and the possibilities to mount a 60mm thick 480mm radiator in the top and a 420mm monster radiator on the bottom. In addition also 400mm and 200mm radiators will fit.

To avoid vibrations a decoupled socket is used, which is suitable for the most common pumps. A sophisticated cable management completes the extensive options offered by the Phobya Black OWL. The predicate handmade "Made in Germany" caps it all off.

The Phobya Black OWL is in view weeks available in the colors white and black in limited quantity for a price of about 479,99 € at Aquatuning.

Link to Phobya Black OWL Microsite for full details: