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Publisher pledges future Wii support

by Steven Williamson on 12 June 2006, 09:47

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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Take-Two Interactive have pledged their future support for Wii. The President and CEO of Take-Two, Paul Eibeler, confirmed that the solid performace of Wii at E3 was a major factor in their decision, he believes that the company can perform well on this platform.

"The positive [aspect] for us is that we haven't been a big player in the Nintendo platform," said Eibeler. "The reception that [the Wii] received at the E3 show is one that makes us take a real strong look at it. As we grow our sports business, there are opportunities with our sports games to extend them to the Wii system, particularly if you look at baseball, where we have an exclusive arrangement, as well as some of the other sports games that would play extremely well on the Wii product.

"...And some of the 2K products will be, [that is,] have an opportunity on the Wii. It's really a late '07, '08 opportunity for us, but it presents an additional revenue stream that we didn't have before."

In the last quarter of the financial year Take-Two have lost $50.4 million and, although we won't see a game from them on Wii for another 18 months or so, it's a positive move by the company who can obviously see the potential in Nintendo's next-gen console.

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