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Nintendo Wii : Reaction so far

by Steven Williamson on 28 April 2006, 10:58

Tags: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo (TYO:7974), Wii

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Nintendo Wii

Yesterday Nintendo announced that their new console, codenamed ‘Revolution’ is to be called Wii, sparking mixed reaction across the Globe. The internet is on fire with people discussing the name.

This is possibly the best reaction Nintendo could have imagined. They do say that there’s no such thing as negative publicity, and there’s plenty of that. It’s currently difficult to find many positive comments across the hundreds of gaming forums. CNN Money spoke to the Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs for Nintendo of America, Perrin Kaplan to ask her why they chose the name, she said, "The other systems have an extension of their current names; ours is a new leap to something different. A lot of thought went into the name."

There’s no doubt that the online frenzy has sparked major interest in Nintendo’s latest product, and with E3 round the corner, this was an ideal time for them to reveal the Nintendo Wii.

Even so, may fans aren’t happy with the new name, with one fan even starting a petition to change the name back.

The negativity surrounding the new name may not blow over in a hurry, but it will still be the same product no matter what they call it - we’re sure this new name won’t put people off buying it, it will just increase awareness and demand.

On a side note, we've seen plenty of great headlines for the news, but our personal favourite must be from Game Gossip: Nintendo Ur-Ine trouble.

We'll be following the online reaction with much interest over the coming weeks.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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I really do disagree with the ‘no such thing as negative publicity’ in this particular case.

However, imagine how fantastic it would be if this was all a hoax? It would be the marketing coup of the decade.

Remember - you read it here first :)
Could be on to something there Mike! That would be great, they should announce it at E3!
Maybe it's just an online service? Not the console name?

God, I hope I'm right
since when have nintendo been good at marketing ?
they are without doubt the best at making invovative games, but their marketing has always been just plain awful