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Wii-lightsaber now available for pre-order

by Steven Williamson on 22 November 2007, 13:31

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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All you need now is to find a shop selling a Wii.

Any Wii-owning Star Wars fan just has to have one of these beauties! Due for release on 30th November the Wii lightsaber retails at Ā£14.99 on Play.com and will be compatible with LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and future Star Wars title.

You can pre-order the Wii light sword here. I'd guess these will fly off the shelves, I've already got my order in!

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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Now all the Wii needs is a webcam and you too can be the Star Wars kid :)
Now all the Wii needs is a webcam and you too can be the Star Wars kid :)


I've just pre-ordered it, then I realised I haven't even got the game. Damn it!
That's all well and good but I just ordered me one of these bad boys: ForceFX Saber :mrgreen:
Cracking additon to the Wii - I want one too :)

I wonder if Nick is getting one.

Can you imagine him in his skin tight shorts that first got an airing on the table-tennis video, while he's playing with his sabre :o

Gah - pass the mind bleach please.
Looks like a sex toy….

That's all well and good but I just ordered me one of these bad boys: ForceFX Saber :mrgreen:

I always wondered who bought those things….thanks for clearing that up for me Parm ;)