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MGS4 may lose PS3 exclusivity

by Steven Williamson on 3 December 2007, 11:08

Tags: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Konami (TYO:9766), PS3

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Only time will tell whether Konami will port the current PS3 exclusive title, Metal Gear Solid:Guns of the Patriots to the Xbox 360, but the company are facing heavy losses if the title doesn't perform miracles on its debut, so an Xbox 360 version will certainly help to recoup the development costs in the long-run.

Speaking to Reuters, Konami's Ryan Payton, one of the Assistant Producers on MGS4, said that the "new 'Metal Gear Solid' needs to sell over a million copies on the first day it goes on sale due to its costly production, but that may be a tough mark to hit given sluggish PS3 sales."

A year after its release, only Motorstorm and Resistance Fall Of Man have sold more than 1 million copies, but following the recent price cuts and the introduction of the 40GB PS3, sales are picking up and Konami will be hoping that the lure of the popular Metal Gear Solid series will be enough to tempt more gamers into buying the console specifically for the title.

Sony would love to see more third party PS3 exclusives on the PS3, but they're a costly business for the developers and many of them have already decided not to take the risk any more, with the likes of SEGA (Virtua Fighter),Capcom (Devil May Cry IV) and Rockstar (GTA IV) deciding not to put all of their eggs in one basket.

Is Metal Gear Solid 4 the killer game that will encourage you to pick up a PS3? Will it lead to the death of the third party exclusive?

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what about day 2 ??
what about day 2 ??
Yeah, seems a bit of a strange statement to make. Not sure why they need to make that amount of money on the very first day.
lol… maybe they have a big debt bill to pay on day 2 so they need it all on day 1… :p
i don't mind saves me buying a ps2
They say 1 million on day one because sales decline in a predictable pattern. They've plugged the numbers into the equation of the sales curve. The result being that to sell enough in the timeframe they haven't told us they want it to be profitable by (I imagine the first month or something like that) they need to sell 1 million on the first day.

If there's a game that can do it it's MGS, but it doesn't look hopeful.