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Notorious criminals reunite for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

by Steven Williamson on 19 November 2009, 10:40

Tags: Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, Eidos (TYO:9684), PC, Xbox 360, FPS

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The second game in the Kane & Lynch series has been confirmed as Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, which will be released on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2010.

Though few details have been revealed, we do know that it will be story-driven and set in the Shanghai underworld. Developer IO Interactive has also revealed that it will introduce a new visual experience inspired by documentary filmmakers and the user-generated era. Every aspect of the game has been designed to deliver "a fresh perspective to the words ‘intensity’ and ‘realism’ in video games."

“Gamers are always looking for something new and that is exactly what they are going to get with Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days,” said Niels Jørgensen, general manager of IO Interactive.

“A special thanks to gamers worldwide for their feedback. They are certainly in for a shock as we, with immense pride, welcome back our two dear, violent and somewhat unfortunate friends.”

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days will be released on the EIDOS games label and will be coming in 2010.

The first viral video has hit the net...

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the first K&L was an absolutely GASH game, charged with so much hype, good voice casting and BAM! what a joke.
i got it for xmas off my then Girlfriend and finished it before we did the family visits, as for the ending, dont get me started!