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Deus Ex 3 first details land...will it be a traditional shooter?

by Steven Williamson on 6 October 2008, 12:34

Tags: Deus Ex 3, Eidos (TYO:9684), PC, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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In an attempt to appeal to a broader audience, the Deus Ex role-playing series is taking a different route in its latest outing, one that may not be so popular amongst its fan base.

The first details of Deus Ex 3, which contrary to initial thoughts will actually be a prequel to Deus Ex, have been revealed by PC Zone (via CVG), who reports that developer, Eidos Montreal, has moved away from stats-driven combat and have implemented a cover system and an auto-heal function similar to the features seen in more traditional shooters, like the Call of Duty series.

With a story penned by the original writer, Sheldon Pacotti, we'll step into the role of private security officer, Adam Jensen. According to CVG, Jensen works "at a technology lab specialising in biomechanical augmentations, a forerunner to the sort of nanotechnology shown in the original Deus Ex. One day the path of his life is unexpectedly altered as a team of black ops commandos break into his company's HQ, and using a security plan from Jensen's own hand, a mass slaughter ensues and the conspiracy begins."

In the original Deus Ex, players are encouraged to customise their characters through nano-augmentations — cybernetic devices that grant characters superhuman powers and the good news is that in Deus Ex 3 they'll be over 20 new augmentations to play around with, including super-human strength so that you can do cool things like "punch through walls to grab enemies in neighbouring rooms" and "bungee jump' tentacles that shoot from your back and anchor to a wall when you jump off a building".

There's still no official screenshots released just yet, but early reports from those who've nabbed a copy of PC Zone, suggest that its looking great.

More news as we get it.

HEXUS Forums :: 16 Comments

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The original DeusEX was brilliant, but the second was terrible. The DeusEx 2 engine was an awful performer. Lets hope they get back to basics!
yeah, let us not forget how DX:IW sucked

Eidos need to really deliver here or they risk killing the franchise for good
from what i gather in pczone this on is set 25 years before the original. the setting is described as “cyberpunk-renaissance”. pczone say that the eta is “when it's done” which leaves me with hope that it will be done right. although they do say that it may not please hardcore fans
The first Deus Ex is one of my favourite games of all time. Awesome, awesome game.

The second… well, I bought it, but I've never bothered to play it much…
Oh good a Bioshock clone.

I was looking forward to this but it seems like it is imposible for a Dev to make a game with any depth any more for fear of alienating the “console-tards”.

Nothing against console gaming, in fact I spend most of my game time on the Xbox at the minute but I cant see why they cant make console games with the depth of PC games.