Starcraft, Diablo and Warcraft!
Game developer Activision Blizzard Inc, a division of Vivendi Games has stepped into the realm of digital downloads by offering a selection of its wares at its online store.The first games up for grabs are StarCraft Anthology, Warcraft III, and the WarCraft III Frozen Throne expansion, but the company also plans to deliver more of its back-catalogue, including the Diablo series.
If you own a CD key to any of the following games, you can now also download a number of titles directly to your PC anytime you wish.
* Diablo II
* Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
* Diablo II Battlechest
* StarCraft
* StarCraft Battlechest
* StarCraft Anthology
* Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
* Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Expansion Pack
If you visit the site, you'll also be able to register for the Blizzard lottery, where users will be drawn at random to participate in beta tests of upcoming games, including the anticipated Starcraft II.
Source :: Blizzard