Debut teaser trailer
Gamasutra has a few more details on the cyberpunk-themed first person shooter Deus Ex 3, which was confirmed by Eidos's Montreal studio back in May. Eidos Montreal's general manager, Stéphane D’Astous has now said that the concept has been approved and he's gathered together a team of approximately 80 people to work on the project over the next 18 to 24 months."This game was very highly rated at its release in 2000, and we have this great huge mandate to do the third one, and everybody is very excited," commented D’Astous.
The original Deus Ex has received over 30 "Game of the Year" accolades from numerous industry and fan publications, including the British Academy of Film & Television Arts (BAFTA).
The first teaser trailer of Deus Ex 3 has now been released:
Check out the Q&A with Stéphane D’Astous at Gamasutra.