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Humble Firaxis Games Bundle offers $211 worth of games

by Mark Tyson on 20 January 2016, 11:31

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacxy5

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Humble Bundle's latest pay-what-you-want gang of games is the Humble Firaxis Bundle. Firaxis goes large on strategy games and is the publishing home for Sid Meier's canon of titles as well as the XCOM action strategy games. So you won't be surprised that the latest Humble Bundle features a plethora of titles with Civilisation in the name, XCOM in the name and various other gems. According to Humble Bundle, this gaggle of games would normally cost you $211.

Breaking down the various bundle payment tiers, we have the following:

  • Paying just $1 or more nets you XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Ace Patrol Bundle, and Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete.
  • Beating the average price will expand your bundle to include Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition, Sid Meier's Civilization V, Sid Meier's Starships, XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Elite Soldier Pack, XCOM: Enemy Unknown - Slingshot Pack, XCOM: Enemy Within, and 10 per cent off one month of Humble Monthly.
  • The top tier of $15 (or more) adds the recent Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth, Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth - Exoplanets Map Pack, and a coupon for 33 per cent off Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide DLC in the Humble Store.

If you are a Mac or Linux gamer you will be happy to know that "most titles in this bundle are also available on Steam for Mac and Linux". You can check which titles are compatible with which platform here.

At the time of writing the beat-the-average price is pretty high, compared to usual, at $9.43. Please remember that those who do beat the average price will be getting more, as yet unannounced, titles added to their bundle and that you can allocate a portion of your purchase outlay to charity. This time around the Humble Bundle is supporting Action Against Hunger USA.

HEXUS Forums :: 18 Comments

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Also worth noting that according to the thread on the r/gamedeals subreddit, the keys are bundled per tier. Tier 1 at $1 will give you all those games under 1 key, same for tier 2 etc. So keep that in mind if you want some of the games for yourself and some for someone else. I was considering picking up Civ cheap to see if it interested me and give the copies of XCOM to my brother, but I guess i'll pass and stick to family sharing and not bother with civ.
Also worth noting that according to the thread on the r/gamedeals subreddit, the keys are bundled per tier. Tier 1 at $1 will give you all those games under 1 key, same for tier 2 etc. So keep that in mind if you want some of the games for yourself and some for someone else. I was considering picking up Civ cheap to see if it interested me and give the copies of XCOM to my brother, but I guess i'll pass and stick to family sharing and not bother with civ.

Argh! That actually encourages me to buy the top bundle for Beyond Earth and gift the others to friends. Or enemies, so that I can ruin their productivity and sleep cycle. Thanks!
I got the 15 $ deal, i think only for beyond earth it's already worth it!
Is there any Steam account in the world that doesnt already have Xcom, it seems to be 75% off in every sale?
Is there any Steam account in the world that doesnt already have Xcom, it seems to be 75% off in every sale?
Which feeds into the thought that immediately hit me.

I know 3/4 of 5/8th of beggar-all about the actual values as, being someone that refuses a Steam account, I haven't looked at their prices in years,

But whenever I see (in non-gaming terms) offers “worth £x”, they often aren't worth anything like £x, unless you pay the highest office available.

For instance, a recent tv/bb/phone bundle I saw advertised including a free tablet “worth £130” when I'd just bought one, and in a local John Lewis not some mail-order box-shifter, at £95 ( or it might've been £99, not sure now). You had to hunt around to find someone still selling it at £130.

This sort of thing happens so very often is makes me sceptical as hell about “worth £x”.

So, out of sheer curiosity as I'm not buying anyway … is this genuinely “worth” $211, or is it another bit of hype, like that tablet deal? What do you lot that actually buy these bundles think?

Note: I'm jot asking if it's good value. It probably is. Just about that valuation.