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GC 2006 :: Alone In The Dark

by Nick Haywood on 30 August 2006, 09:56

Tags: Atari (EPA:ATA)

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Still alone and still in the dark...

GC 2006 We last saw Alone In The Dark back in May at E3 2006 and with the release date hopefully being sometime over the next few months, we were keen to see how the game is coming along.

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To be honest, we didn’t see all that much more than the footage we saw at E3 and the short gameplay segment from the start of the movie as well as the underground garage section to show off the interaction with the game world.

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So although there’s not much new to see, at least the game is maintaining the rather cool features we saw back in LA, namely the cinematic use of depth of field, HDR lighting, real time lighting etc.

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For those of you that missed the E3 coverage, check it out here.

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And in the meantime, enjoy these new screenies and wait with baited breath for the video of the interview with Eden! (oh yes, aren’t we just humungous teasers, eh?).

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