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CES 2006: New Televised Gaming League Announced

by Steven Williamson on 5 January 2006, 13:24

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Professional gamers

A press release at CES 2006 has revealed that Direc TV are aiming to launch a new professional video game league called, 'The Massive Gaming League'.

The press release states,"Using new technology that allows for the placement of cameras within an actual videogame, DIRECTV will produce a videogame tournament and cover it as a sporting event, complete with producer, director and technical crew. Stories of the competitors will be told via interviews and features, complemented with coverage of their exploits in actual competition."

Professional sponsorship is huge in the U.S and the UK is slowly starting to follow in its footsteps. It's great news for gamers who want to try our their skills against the best in the World, or for those newbies who just want to learn some new skills.

Direc TV is a satellite tv broadcastor, hats off to them for trying to bring gaming even more into the mainstream.

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