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UK Gaming Charts: Battlefield 3 suppresses Uncharted 3

by Stephen Coleman on 7 November 2011, 11:03

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Battlefield 3 holds steady at the top spot in this weeks UK all-formats software chart, keeping PlayStation-exclusive Uncharted 3 at bay in second place.

Battlefield 3 saw a 54 per cent drop in sales from last week while Uncharted 3 recorded the 11th biggest PS3 launch, out-doing its predecessor's by 37 per cent.

New entry Sonic Generations didn't fare so well, rolling into the charts at No.10.

Batman: Arkham City drops to No.4 below FIFA 12 and Just Dance 3 continues to hold firm at No.5.

Football Manager 2012, Forza Motorsport 4, Zumba Fitness and Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure make up the rest of the top 10.

Here's the UK Interactive Entertainment Association's complete top 10 for the week ending November 5th, 2011:

  1. Battlefield 3
  2. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  3. FIFA 12
  4. Batman: Arkham City
  5. Just Dance 3
  6. Football Manager 2012
  7. Forza Motorsport 4
  8. Zumba Fitness
  9. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
  10. Sonic Generations


HEXUS Forums :: 9 Comments

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And Call of Duty MW3 is about to smash all of them to bits tomorrow….
And Call of Duty MW3 is about to smash all of them to bits tomorrow….


awaiting arrival of BF3, but I have to admit that MW3 looks more single player friendly, so that will be on my shopping list too as the single player time on BF3 is supposed to be under 10 hours :eek:

They might have been boosted by my decision to purchase BF3 on both PC and XBox. Stupid friends not wanting to game on PC with me. Could of done without levelling two soldiers.
And Call of Duty MW3 is about to smash all of them to bits tomorrow….
Yes, but I'm starting to regard the annual CoD-fest with the same amount of disdain that I have for the annual iPhone-fest. And this said as someone who invariably participates in the former… :rolleyes:
awaiting arrival of BF3, but I have to admit that MW3 looks more single player friendly, so that will be on my shopping list too as the single player time on BF3 is supposed to be under 10 hours
Also waiting on MW3 - but unlike the idiot who reputedly paid more than US$1700 to get a copy today I'm quite happy to wait until postie knocks on the door tomorrow morning to deliver mine.

<10 hours for the BF3 SP campaign sounds about right - that said, unlike the MW2 one, I thoroughly enjoyed the BF3 one - no obvious “filler” apart from the flying mission, which I despised with a passion. :mad:

Can't comment on the nature of the SP game for MW3, because all the XBox reviews I've seen have focussed completely on MP. Which makes me wonder if the solo campaign isn't just another “extended training mission” like the one on MW2 felt like at times. I hope not, because in that case, BlackOps is going to get another run through.

10 hours for the BF3 SP campaign sounds about right - that said, unlike the MW2 one, I thoroughly enjoyed the BF3 one - no obvious “filler” apart from the flying mission, which I despised with a passion.

Sounds good, really enjoyed the BF2 single player mode, just haven't played enough MP to enjoy it yet as I seem to come across Ex Special Ops Vets playing it ( or is it 13 year old super soldiers ) lol.
