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Portal 2 release date set

by Matty Hodgson on 19 August 2010, 12:21

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Portal 2 release date

After we heard that there would be a Portal 2 at E3 this year, we got all excited, reminiscing the days of the beloved Companion Cube, but then we were told we’d have to wait until 2011 before we could get our hands on it. 2011 is a long time away in June, but we're near enough in September now, much closer to 2011, much closer to playing Portal 2.

Today though, Valve has revealed you can get hold of Portal 2 on the 9th of February 2011.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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ohh, that will be cool! Expect delays though, lots and lots of them.
Not so fussed about Portal, the next Half Life episode however………
I was originally expecting Portal 2 to be bundled with HL:Ep3, but that looks unlikely now. Shame.
I was originally expecting Portal 2 to be bundled with HL:Ep3, but that looks unlikely now. Shame.
My guess is that there will be hints in Portal 2 as to what will happen in Ep3, and that Ep3 will be announced in the couple of months after Portal 2's release.

My guess is also my hope.
Awesome news! :)

I enjoyed the first release immensely, was such an original game that provided lots of laughs and fun.

I hope the 2nd doesn't disappoint.