Industry set to beat piracy by offering games for free?
by Steven Williamson
on 7 July 2008, 09:42
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Perry believes that the western world will soon follow the same business model that has worked well in Asia, where software is offered as a free download and revenue is made from micro-payments for extras such as new characters and weapons.
Speaking in Belfast after his award, Perry said:
"They had so much piracy that they decided to stop charging for the games. Instead, there'll be a charge for things you might want to use in the game."
"Your character might have a plain white T-shirt. If you wanted a nicer one you could have it for a dollar. Or perhaps you could buy a magic sword for a knight for a dollar."
Though the idea may sound far-fetched, EA has already paved the way for the invasion of free games into the Western world by launching its 'Play 4 Free' business model and its first free game, Battlefield Heroes, due for release this summer.
It remains to be seen whether others will follow, but with an estimated £2bn lost every year due to piracy, developers may not have much of an option.
Source :: BBC