Take-Two focus on DLC and subscription-based videogames
by Steven Williamson
on 19 November 2008, 10:59
Take 2 Games
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It's a business model that Zelnick calls the "Holy Grail" and one which he believes will be adopted across the industry.
"The holy grail is taking a business, already a very large and successful business that's focused on packaged goods that you sell once and then are occasionally resold by others with new benefit to us, and turning that into a subscription business or a semi subscription business where we have an ongoing relationship with consumers, giving them products that they want," said Zelnick.
Before that kicks into place though, Take-Two plans to focus on downloadable content and add-ons for existing games. Wiith new content on the way for both Grand Theft Auto IV and Bioshock, the company will be hoping to make a healthy profit over the Christmas period.
"Looking ahead, the biggest opportunity that we see for the industry as well as for us is downloadable content. With Grand Theft Auto IV we will be offering downloadable episodes that gamers can buy on Xbox Live after they've purchased the original title. We've also [mentioned] that next week we will be releasing add on content worldwide for Bioshock. And these are our first offerings for downloadable content. We're excited about the creative opportunity. We are very excited about the profit potential and we'll see how these things roll out. I think the entire industry is focused in this area."
The first title likely to be considered by the company on a paid subscription service is sure to be Take-Two's most popular franchise, Grand Theft Auto. Would you be prepared to pay monthly for the GTA experience?