Fantasy RPG hits second phase
The sci-fi and fantasy MMORPG, RF Online hits the second phase of beta testing.“To get to this stage is a huge landmark for RF Online,” said David Solari, director of Codemasters Online Gaming. “The beta test will lead the way to the game’s retail release in late February and give our fantastic community the opportunity to experience the game before it hits the shelves.”
Gamers who will join the RF Online beta test are now being contacted following the beta sign-up program, which began last November. With a limited number of places remaining in the best test, gamers can still apply to participate by registering via the beta sign-up form on the game’s official website.
The beta enables players to create a character from one of RF Online’s three all-powerful warring factions – the Bellato Union with their Mech battle units, the mystical Holy Alliance Cora or the mighty robots of the Accretian Empire – and engage in the game’s full-scale battles that can feature thousands of players.
RF Online (Rising Force Online) delivers a supremely rich gaming experience that has already attracted more than 1 million players since its launch in the Far East last year. With stunning in-game visuals and jaw-dropping character and environment detail, RF Online is an incredible next generation MMO game. It features a unique blend of magical fantasy mixed with futuristic science-fiction action and sees players engaging in the most epic battles ever seen in a MMO role-playing game.
RF Online is set to launch in late February 2006 and will be published and operated in the U.S. and Europe by Codemasters Online Gaming. For the latest on the game, including the latest images, movies and the last chance to sign up for the Beta Test, visit